Produto Intelectual 1

Digital contents producers

This module was made for the ENLIVEN IO1/A3 Intellectual Output. It deals with the working process and the aspects that influence the creation of a good podcast: from finding interesting topics, collecting material and ideas, to the evaluation of the result. Technical aspects are also covered: technical equipment, the use of Audacity for recording, the creation, editing, and mixing of sounds.

All the modules can be used in different learning and teaching environments: in the context of a self-learning process as well as integrated in courses and teaching units. Start with the “start.pdf”-file. This will lead you to the other resources (video-podcast, audio-podcasts, texts). 

To get access to the modules you can either download the zip-file with all the files to your device and start with “start.pdf” or you click on “View” below, start with the first page and navigate with the links in the files (use the back- and forward-button in your browser). Preferably use Edge or Chrome. There can be some technical issues with Firefox and Safari.

Please give us your feedback in a short survey (5 minutes) in order to make our modules better: SURVEY

On the use of digital content producersDownload (zip)