Intellectual Output 3 Produto Intelectual 3

Guidelines for creating inclusive international learning environments

One of the ENLIVEN specific objectives is draw up guidelines for:
– short, flexible, and progressive learning experiences to improve digital competences of students, academic and administrative staff, also offering reskilling and upskilling opportunities in a lifelong learning context.
– improved learning, teaching, and assessment approaches suitable for the digital environment, serving both teachers and learners, and showing how to build or use an inclusive learning environment.
– building an international digital learning environment, enriching, and enhancing experiences inside and outside the digital classroom

We decided to publish the project guidelines in a single e-book as a single access point and therefore ensuring that advice and suggestions are easily available to all those interested. Our willingness is to consider the overall project experience as an added value that can foster future synergies.

These guidelines are the result of a co-creating process. All partners contributed by providing examples of the practices implemented during the life of the project ENLIVEN.

The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO3/A6 Intellectual Output:

Download (PDF)
Ebook (epub)
ENLIVEN Partners02/2023
Intellectual Output 3 Produto Intelectual 3

European competences

This is a set of nano-modules, offered to raise the awareness of what it means to be European, increase students’ cultural competences and provide skills of European literacy, including knowledge of European values, citizenship and history.

The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO3/A4 Intellectual Output:

Module 1.1 – What does it mean to be European? – What is Europe?View & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 1.2 – What does it mean to be European?View & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 1.3 – What does it mean to be European? – United in diversityView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 2.1 – European Languages and public sphere – European languagesView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 2.2 – European Languages and public sphere – Public SphereView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 3.1 – European cultures – Cultural expressionsView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 3.2 – European cultures – Cultural heritageView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Module 3.3 – European cultures – International cultural relationsView & DownloadPLUS17/02/2023
Produto Intelectual 2

Virtual Learning Moodle Course

The overall goal of the course is to empower e-teaching and e-learning at universities across Europe. It was made as part of the ENLIVEN IO2/A5 Intellectual Output:

The course consists of eight micro modules, each 1 ECTS credit point (total 8 ECTS): (1) Whole-school approach to Online and Blended Teaching and Learning, (2) Digital educational resources, (3) Digital platforms for communication and collaboration, (4) Effective teaching and learning, (5) Assessment practices, (6) Online vs. Blended vs. Traditional teaching and learning, (7) Instructional design, and (8) Digital Competence and evaluation tools. 

Virtual LearningDownload (Moodle .mbz format)UNS10/2022

All Intellectual Output 2 results are available here as Open Educational Resources: https://www.enlivenproject.eu/2023/03/31/open-education-resources-io2/.

Produto Intelectual 2

Diversity & Inclusion videos and video-podcasts

Diversity & Inclusion videos and video-podcasts

The ENLIVEN project partners share their universities’ practices and the relevant findings of the research performed during the COVID-19 emergency.

The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO2/A4 Intellectual Output:

Digital StudyingView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Gender, Diversity, Inclusion in Salzburg (students video)View & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Doris WydraView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Dženeta KarabegovicView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Vicky KönigView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Zoe LefkofridiView & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Digital Teaching Video-Podcast Ewald Hiebl (PLUS)View & DownloadPLUS23/03/2022
Produto Intelectual 1

Collaboration and engagement tools

A set of micro-modules on the basic and advanced usage of the most relevant tools for the communication, collaboration and engagement being used by the partners, from both the teachers’ and the students’ perspectives.

This module was made for the ENLIVEN IO1/A2 Intellectual Output.

Micro-module: 1 – Collaborative ToolsView & DownloadUNS28/05/2022
Micro-module: 2 – Engagement and communication toolsView & DownloadUNS27/04/2022
Micro-module: 3 – Whiteboarding ToolsView & DownloadUNS27/04/2022
Produto Intelectual 1

Digital contents producers

This module was made for the ENLIVEN IO1/A3 Intellectual Output. It deals with the working process and the aspects that influence the creation of a good podcast: from finding interesting topics, collecting material and ideas, to the evaluation of the result. Technical aspects are also covered: technical equipment, the use of Audacity for recording, the creation, editing, and mixing of sounds.

All the modules can be used in different learning and teaching environments: in the context of a self-learning process as well as integrated in courses and teaching units. Start with the “start.pdf”-file. This will lead you to the other resources (video-podcast, audio-podcasts, texts). 

To get access to the modules you can either download the zip-file with all the files to your device and start with “start.pdf” or you click on “View” below, start with the first page and navigate with the links in the files (use the back- and forward-button in your browser). Preferably use Edge or Chrome. There can be some technical issues with Firefox and Safari.

Please give us your feedback in a short survey (5 minutes) in order to make our modules better: SURVEY

On the use of digital content producersDownload (zip)
Produto Intelectual 1

Webinar series: Living and Behaving in a Digital World

Set of webinars on ethics and norms of social behaviour in the new environment (security, protection of personal data, privacy, digital identity, and rules of etiquette and acceptable behaviour).

The following contents were made as part of the ENLIVEN IO1/A5 Intellectual Output:

Topic: Digital identity

#1. Personal identity in the digital frameworkView & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022
#2. Is anonymity possible on the internet?View & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022
#3. The right to be forgotten and its limitsView & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022
#4. The creation of false accounts and identity theftView & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022
#5. The threats of facial recognitionView & DownloadH5PUNIPI01/08/2022

Topic: Data Protection in scientific research

#1. What is the GDPR?View & DownloadNOVA01/11/2022
#2. Privacy by designView & DownloadNOVA01/11/2022
#3. Before the project startsView & DownloadNOVA01/11/2022

Topic: Protection of personal data

#1. Information privacy problems in digital ecosystems & Data protection in digital ecosystemsView & DownloadRelated researchUHAM01/10/2022
#2. Databases and their limits. Ethics, strategy and protection of personal rights in Archival databases and databases of scientific collectionsView & DownloadPDFUHAM23/08/2022

Topic: Rules of etiquette and acceptable behaviour

#1. How to support students with special needsView & DownloadTLU01/10/2022
#2. Correct behaviour in delivering online lecturesView & DownloadUNS01/10/2022
#3. Correct behaviour from students point of viewView & DownloadUNS01/10/2022
#4. How to treat issues of research ethics and data protectionView & DownloadTLU01/10/2022

Topic: Multilingualism

Activities for Webinar #1 and #2 DownloadPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (Portuguese)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (Italian)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (Estonian)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (German)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#1. Multilingual communication in a digital world (Serbian)View & DownloadPowerPointPLUS01/10/2022
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (German)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (Portuguese)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (Italian)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (Serbian)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)
#2. Content and language integrated learning in multilingual academia (Estonian)View & DownloadPowerPoint (version 1)
PowerPoint (version 2)

Fourth ENLIVEN Newsletter

We are delighted to welcome you to our fourth newsletter!

ENLIVEN is running out, but we have our plans for the future. A lot of work has been done and now more than ever is time to disseminate the achieved results.

You can read about some of the topics described in our newsletter below:

  1. Finally, people which contributed to the project implementation met face-to-face for the first time in a sunny and windy Lisbon. (page 2)
  2. A podcast on producing good digital content for teaching and learning which has been leaded by PLUS completes the OER section of the website. (page 3)
  3. After Novi Sad and Tallinn, in Lisbon, Salzburg and Hamburg the ENLIVEN partners were held three multiplier events. Looking forward the Multiplier Event and Final Conference in Pisa. (page 4)

Happy reading!

Please keep in touch if you are interested about the topics discussed in our first newsletter.

Also, don’t forget to follow us on our social platforms Twitter and Facebook!


Online Teaching and Learning – Digital World after COVID-19

NOVA University Lisbon hosted the Multiplier Event “Online Teaching and Learning – Digital World after COVID-19”, within the ENLIVEN project.

The event took place on January 31 and was attended by more than 80 national and international participants.

After the opening session, led by the Vice-Rector of NOVA João Amaro de Matos, who coordinates the area of Education and International Development, there was a brief presentation on education in the post-pandemic context – soon followed by the results of the ENLIVEN project .

This meeting reinforced the importance of the project in the present context, when technology is increasingly enhancing learning, and encouraged the collaboration of the academic community in digital and pedagogical training projects.

The event is publicly available on our streaming platform: