Intellectual Output 3 Notizie

Requirement analysis – Report on the online survey

Are you curious about the main difficulties in using digital platforms met by students and teachers?

We have identified some key findings from online surveys carried out jointly by the Enliven partners. These surveys describe what 1286 participants experienced during the academic year 2020/2021.

It is also the first step towards the goals expressed in the Intellectual Output 3 where we aim to create and disseminate in publicly accessible form guidelines on enabling and organizing international digital learning environments.

Based on the analysis some key findings were identified:

  • 95% of respondents have experience using digital learning environments
  • 22% of respondents claimed that they do not have enough technical knowledge to compile necessary educational resources
  • 91% of respondents did not participate in international mobility in the academic year 2020/21
  • 97% of classes were delivered online in the academic year 2020/21
  • Only 27% of respondents used tools for engagements

More findings can be found in the report below: