
Third ENLIVEN Newsletter

We are delighted to welcome you to our third newsletter!

As we approach the end of the project, the results become tangible. They are now the core of events which are designed to maximize the project’s impact outside our partnership.

You can read about some of the topics described in our newsletter below:

  1. Starting in Novi Sad and Tallinn, the season of dissemination of results was opened (page 2)
  2. 37 practical online activities outside of a physical laboratory has been collected, descripted, analysed, and classified during the project (page 3)
  3. During the last months the Consortium carried out the testing of the implemented Virtual learning course (page 4)

Happy reading!

Please keep in touch if you are interested about the topics discussed in our first newsletter.

Also, don’t forget to follow us on our social platforms Twitter and Facebook!